to get back to this about the job numbers because he has an op-ed that says we have to stop paying lip service and start taking action on the jobs, jobs, jobs agenda that everyone claims to support, republicans and democrats alike. do you think that's possible amid the continuing political instability and the fact that john boehner looks at this and directly ties it to the aca right away? >> absolutely. i read gene's piece. i really liked it. i think i wrote a similar piece a few days ago. i think the answer to your question is unfortunately probably not. what gene was saying was not only that we should be paying more attention to the job market but also look at where we pivoted right after this debacle of the shutdown and the debt ceiling, right back to a discussion of deficits and debt without hardly a breather to talk about the real economy. and you're absolutely right. one of the reasons, i would say the primary reason we're stuck in the kind of slog we see in these job reports month to month is not just policy neglect by