troops and politics that were hard enough for him at that time. >> misperceptions about the relationship between bush and cheney but how did the relationship change or evolve over those years? >> yeah. i think by the end they have this fight over the scooter libby pardon and a proxy for the frustrating two years they had before then. for cheney that lost so many battles felt bush went off in a different direction. in effect he was asking for validation. this man who worked for me was ill-treated, unjustly convicted. president bush calls his lawyers. he brings him in and says you examine it. they met with scooter libby in a seafood restaurant and came back and said we think the jury had every reason to convict him and the president decided against it knowing it would fracture their relationship. you saw that clip at the library and very polite and proper because that's what the bush family is. the truth is they don't talk very often any more. they were never buddy, but they have a very proper but distant

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The End Of World ,Relationship ,Politics ,Georgew Bush ,Relationship Change ,Troops ,Fight ,Misperceptions ,Dick Cheney ,Jim Demint ,Effect ,Direction ,Proxy ,Battles ,Validation ,Scooter Libby Pardon ,Two ,Reason ,Seafood Restaurant ,Lawyers ,Jury ,Scooter Libby ,President ,Library ,Bush Family ,Truth ,Buddy ,

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