change, gun rights, gay rights, auto bailout. >> what was the impact everybody talks about scooter libby. what was the impact of bush firing in 2006 after the election, firing one of cheney's best friends. >> rumsfield. right before the war starts in march of 2003 president bush is told you can go in early, have this early strike, get saddam hussein. he kicks everybody else out of the room and it's just him and the vice president. that's who he wants to talk to at the very end. by the end of 2006 he decided to replace don rumsfield, contacted bob gates about it without talking to dick cheney. i sktd vice president cheney about it for the book he said by time it got to me that decision was done. a real evolution in the way decisions were made. >> what's the single revelation that you think most disspells the caricatures. what's the single thing about