at me for something. >> how do you like that? is that short enough or long enough? >> a little bit shorter. that's the one good thing. if it's not good, i'll wear a hat anyway. >> you won't be a hat out here? >> i wear. this is my fishing hat now. i will be wearing that hat when i go fishing every time. wearing the hat, honestly, will remind me not to come back. >> first day, i've got that one all the way down. i'm getting out, i have nothing. so i'm going straight to the welfare office, and i'm going to get me my little $137 worth of food stamps, i'm going to the private salvation army to make sure i've got any type of hygiene materials or clothes i need. but after i get all those things done, i'm going to go see a re-entry coordinator, i'm going to call my parole officer, call the na coordinator, and then i'm going to the french