the first picture too. there's the day he was born. i don't know. this [ bleep ]. >> robby mcanally has been in prison a little more than two years. in all that time, he hasn't had a single visit with his 3-year-old son. recent contact with the child's mother had given him hope that a visit might be imminent. but now the child's mother represented in a tattoo on his arm has changed her plans. >> [ bleep ] her. she been talking about for the past two and a half months now i'm going to bring trey down there. i'm going to bring trey down there. now all of a sudden, miss you're too busy. i think i'm going to turn her into a clown, bro. >> don't do that. >> i will turn her into a clown. >> you just talking [ bleep ]. he loves that girl. >> i do love her but she ain't work a [ bleep ]. >> later, mcanally revealed one possible reason why the mother