a real-life joe the plumber is the congressman we are featuring tonight in our special segment "these are the people who are running the country." wait until you hear his claim to fame. that's coming up. first, i want to share the three awesomest things on the internet today. we begin on the streets of new york, which for the month of october have been turned into a citywide canvas for the mysterious street artist known only as banksie. banksie has been leaving his mark around the five boroughs with one art project per day, some outright beautiful like this delivery truck turned into a charming woodland scene, and others more cutting, like a caravan of squealing stuffed animals being driven through the meatpacking district. yesterday's piece involved a table outside of the central park signing original canvases. sale price $60. the actual value well over $1 million. the table was manned by an older gentleman who sat and sat and yawned and waited. his first sale didn't come until three hours later when a woman bought two pieces but only after