we're back, and i'm here with robert george, michelle goalbrick and josh bauer. we're talking about this big kind of tea party rally that happened on the mall this weekend, yesterday, actually. it was called the million vet march, billed as an apolitical celebration of america's veterans and indignation that the memorial was shut down, but then it became the big tea party rally, flags and quite honestly, an iconic photo of a guy in front of the white house with a big confederate flag. my question to you is, is it fair to show this and be like, this represents something about what these folks, where these folks are coming from? >> well, i think it wouldn't be fair if a similar message hadn't been spouted by one speaker after another at this rally. i mean, obviously, it's in the nature of images to be reductive and sum things up in a single person, but we heard over and over and over again from these speakers, both the