movement. >> i think calling this neo confederate gives too much credit to the protest. that would imply that it has a goal like the confederacy did, such as secession and the promotion of slavery. this is a protest about nothing. it amazes me that they've settled on this thing about the monuments, like this is one of the genuinely unimportant functions of the government right here. until nine years ago, we didn't have a memorial -- >> there as a symbolic -- >> it's the delegitimization of the president, not just of the president, but the delegitimization of any democrat, which is the right we've been involved in for many years -- [ everyone talking at once ] >> started ultimately back with his signature program. so, not necessarily the delegitimization of him -- >> i'm sorry, they asked him to come out with his hands up. >> that's just a nutball, larry clayman, he's not a serious individual -- >> but he's a nutball who had a microphone at the event where ted cruz, who engineered the shutdown, spoke. that's the point, right? i as someone who is a product of