to pile on that way. we ended up in the box canyon that i proclaimed we would end up in several months ago and that was a successful effort, and we now, those i'll say this, i think we're back on the right page. we want to get back to where we are. i think all of us now are talking about spending which is where we should have been in the first place. i do sense tremendous amount of unity within senate republicans to focus on those things that joe was talking about earlier. that is to get back on those things that matter so deeply to our country. so, you know, this exercise, we've taken a little bit of a rabbit trail to a place that wasn't helpful but i think we're back to where we need to be and we need to stay there. that's where our strength is as a party. obviously, look, we put something in place a few years ago that has lowered government spending for the first time since 1955. this is good terrain for us a