we're not going to negotiate on that. >> yeah, i think that's inconsistent with what the american people want. house republicans have been saying for day that say we recognize there's disagreements and we need to come to the negotiating table. the president has said that he won't negotiate on the debt ceiling and he won't negotiate on the budget until he gets his way. frankly, i think that the american people are starting to understand why we're in a shutdown. >> but isn't that more an answer of what part of republicans and the answer of no is not being understood here? because there is a negotiated budget at sequester level spending. the problem is that there's a hitch with obama care being linked in to the shutdown conversation. that gets taken out and a clean cr goes to the floor, everybody, all the people i've talked to, they say that would pass. >> well, remember, that the house has voted for nine bills in recent days that would fund everything from food stamps to our national parks to our