again, several times in his interview. take a listen. >> woe asked to sit down with the senate and have a conversation. >> we're interested inning of a conversation. it begins with having a conversation. it's about having a conversation. it's time for us to sit down and have a conversation. sit down and have a conversation. let's sit down and have a conversation. we've had conversations before. >> here's the thing. it's like sitting down to say we need to have a conversation about how you beat your wife. and basically it's you've got to go into that whole scenario of i don't beat my wife. why do we need to have this conversation? isn't it that separate approach that needs to happen here? why do we need to negotiate oversee confess tra-- sequestra. if you want to deal with the obama care law, let's deal with that separately. why do we have to deal with that tied to our government and the shutdown? it's just so weird. why do we have to have a conversation about that? >> right, yeah. as we are about to have a conversation right here. the conversation boehner needs