country. we won't reopen the government, unless you agree to a strong gun control bill. unless you agree to a liberal immigration bill. unless you agree to union recognition, the bill changes. the republicans would be rightly outraged because you don't govern by blackmail. >> all right. congressman jerry nather of new york. thank you for taking a few minutes. we appreciate it. why it is usually best to be considered the underdog in american politics. right? so we started using tide, bounce and downy together. it keeps our clothes looking newer longer. more like the first day we got them. which was back when we had corporate jobs. even if right now we can't afford...well, anything, our clothes look like a million bucks oo, maybe we could sell our clothes. [ female announcer ] whirlpool recommends using tide, bounce and downy to keep clothes looking newer 50% longer. great on their own. even better together. to keep clothes looking newer 50% longer. customer erin swenson ordebut they didn't fit.line customer's not happy, i'm not happy. sales go down, i'm not happy.