you've got to cut the big deal and they've got to shut up and say this is the deal we accept, no more, you know, screwing around. >> but isn't the problem -- >> by the way, they could do it. if boehner would say, look, here's something, we've got our piece of action here, $30 billion we're taking out of this bill. it may hurt a little. but we haven't crippled it, but took a shot at it. and then obama can say, look, it's too important. we can't -- you know, default on the national debt and he can say, i don't like doing this, but i'm going to do it. but then you've got to get a majority in the republican party or at least half of them, to go along with it. that takes leadership. >> it does. here's the problem. don't you think there is a problem with a pattern of behavior, learned behavior. we do that with our children, right? on the debt ceiling 2011. the republicans thought they had made some progress. even though the credit bo worthiness of the nation was downgraded. >> terrible. >> right. then we had the sequester, oh, no big deal. ted cruz said yesterday, the government shutdown is just like a weekend. why won't they take us to default on the debt ceiling in two weeks?