at-home government shutdown clocks on their desks, they may wake up tomorrow morning and wonder what is going on a number of levels because the aca has rolled out at the same time this happened as the government shutdown happened. obama care, the exchanges are open. the republicans have done nothing to stop that. i think that double underscores the futility of all of this. >> there's definitely an aura of futility to a lot of the republicans' maneuvers right now. the implementation of obama care on october 1st is really the reason for all of this 11th hour scrambling by republicans. within the con srvetive ranks there's a fear that come october 1st, once obama care starts it will be a federal entitlement, a bureaucratic program that people like and conserve tys fear that. it is popular as social security down the line and they want to stop it before it starts and becomes popular. that is causing problems for boehner because he is dealing