alas, he would not be able the to practice what he preached. for he would lose his ability to keep his minions on a leash. those tea party members, they were here to stay, shouting, who cares what you want?! we will have our own way! the black man in the white house, we want him to go. so when he says yes, we will always say no! we will hijack junior government, we will shut it all down. nothing will get accomplished in your capitol town. those minions ran why would, when they were let loose. they took hold of the wheel, dragging the party's caboose. but the people had grown weary of the political games. they wanted something new, not more of the same. kick 'em out of theous and then change all the locks. give my party back control, said their president barack. only by then, it was already too late. the people let the gop in again. now they must suffer their fate.