tranquilize her! >> it's a terrifying struggle between zookeepers and rescuers trying to free katherine from the bear's unyielding grip. >> the bear would pull katherine towards him, the zookeepers would pull katherine back toward them. >> she must have felt just like a rag doll being tossed around like that. >> they kept hitting him on the head. it did no good. >> the puny branches do nothing to stop binky. >> and she did make a couple pleas to don't let go. just don't let go of me. i would get a little more of her every time. and then katherine's shoe slipped off. and so her foot just slid through the polar bear's mouth and then she was free. >> hold still. don't stand. lie down, lie down. >> at last katherine is free of binky's death grip. dr. rayford doesn't know if her injuries will be fatal. she's rushed to the hospital.