recipient won't go out. we're saying we're going to issue ious to our men and women serving overseas to protect our interests in our country. we're saying to veterans, forget about going in for -- >> no, they say they love the troops, they say they're patriots about the military. where is it? where is the patriotism? >> and martin, what they're willing to do is to subject this country to a shutdown. and in essence, what they're saying in reality, we don't care about you. my hope is that we avoid that at all cost. even some within their own party, paul ryan, newt gingrich, the "wall street journal" has counselled them not to hold hostage the affordable care act and shut down the government. in essence, they're going to try to kill one of those hostages. and we say don't kill either of them. let this move forward, pass a continuing resolution, keep government running and keep talking to find solutions to the problem our country is facing. >> congressman joe crowley, thank you, sir, for joining us. >> thank you, martin. coming up from the washington navy yard to the

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Country ,Troops ,Interests ,Military ,Veterans ,Recipient ,Women ,Men ,Wont Go Out ,Party ,Martin Bashir ,Patriotism ,Reality ,Care ,Shutdown ,Essence ,Cost ,Hope ,Newt Gingrich ,Paul Ryan ,Government ,Defund Obamacare ,One ,Counselled ,Hostage ,Hostages ,Wall Street Journal ,Dont Kill ,Sir ,Problem ,United States ,Congressman Joe Crowley ,Resolution ,Solutions ,Move Forward ,Thank You ,Washington Navy Yard ,

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