world economy in their endless quest to nullify president obama's signature achievement the affordable care act. in the coming weeks we're going to see how reckless these republicans can get. jack lew described what a dangerous game they're playing. >> some in congress seem to think they can keep us from failing to pay our nation's bills by raising the debt ceiling right before the moment our cash balance is depleted. trying to time a debt limit increase to the last minute could be very dangerous. make no mistake, if congress does not act and the u.s. can suddenly not pay bills, the repercussions could be serious. >> even the wall street journal today said these republicans are on a suicide mission noting their demand is that the house pair the must pass or the debt limit with defunding the health care bill. kamikaze missions rarely turn out well, least of all for the pilots. the problem is these republican kamikaze pilots, so-called, have all of us in the jump seat.