what if we make it a viral video, action spot. i didn't expect it would be so popular. in my mind if it's like 500,000 people it's great. >> in fact the secret advertisement got nearly 4 million views in the first week it was posted. for him, viral videos were a natural marketing choice. >> i really like them because it's a very organic. it's the future because you don't have to pay for that. you don't have to pay to distribute. >> as for people wondering whether it was real or fake he says that's exactly what he wanted. >> they think, oh no maybe it's made up. it's real. >> the success of the viral video caught the director by surprise, and he's keen to try it again. after all, "wanted" greased more than $340 million worldwide. >> maybe there is a better way how to do this and next time we will use new techniques, but it was entertaining.