effect for two years with some astounding results so far. "the des moines register" made a search of the new gun permits and discovered that now, yes, as planned, basically, everyone in iowa who asks for a gun permit gets one, and that means the list of people to whom sheriffs have had to give gun permits in iowa includes a person known to the local sheriff as a suicide risk. a man known to be a suicide risk gets gun permit. so, does another person found by law enforcement with a lot of the key ingredients for making methamphetamine. "the des moines register" published that report in march, then the paper kept digging into these new permits. in may, they found that 50 of the new easier-to-get gun permits in iowa have gone to sex offenders, most of whom would have been denied a gun permit before the nra's new bill. well, now "the des moines register" is back on the case with a new headline about the effects of this nra-backed law in iowa. did you see this today? it's amazing. look. "iowa grants permits for blind residents to carry guns in

Related Keywords

People ,One ,Effect ,Gun Permit ,Gun Permits ,Sheriffs ,Iowa ,Yes ,Everyone ,List ,Des Moines Register ,Results ,Search ,Two ,Tommy Vitar ,Lot ,Suicide Risk ,Person ,Sheriff ,Law Enforcement ,Ingredients ,Most ,Sex Offenders ,Permits ,Methamphetamine ,Paper ,Report ,Digging ,May ,March ,50 ,Case ,Law ,Nra ,Guns ,Residents ,Effects ,Headline ,Bill ,

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