ga er is gate ed /* /- segregated south, what do you say to young people who will watch this? >> the first thing is you may not be able to control your circumstances but you can control your response to your circumstances. dent say barriers. just don't see them. but in order not to see barriers, you have got to be well-educated. not everybody is as fortunate as i was to have parents who understood the system and cared. and so somebody's god to advocate for every child out there. i don't care if it's a minister or teacher or somebody at boys and girls club, we have a responsibility. the kids have a responsibility to work hard and not see barriers. but we have a responsibility to advocate for those children. what's important to me is that when i am delivered home by my lord, that there are people who remember me for what i was able to do, to bring somebody else along. people's lives, i touched. one of the great things about being a professor is that you have generations of students who come back and say, you know, you may not know what an impact you