philadelphia has had economic crisis. what have you learned from allentown you will put into play. >> allin town is a great story, like every other rust belt city in the northeast and midwest. we were on the verge of collapse when i came in eight years ago. our economy was failing. we didn't have jobs, economic growth. we were really on the brink of bankruptcy. in eight years we turned that around. we now have a solid fiscal foundation to build upon. we turn multi-million dollar deficits, we solved our pension problem through aw "newsweek" solution we came up with. we're the only municipality in the state that has a fully funded pen, maybe one of the few in the country. we have a billion dollars of new economic development coming into our city because of really unique economic development zone, bipartisan effort we developed in the city of allentown. over 4,000 jobs coming in. this year in 2014 for the 9th straight year in a row our