authorized now. it is potential -- it's always possible given what happens in syria down the road, the administration may have to come back to congress, but there's no way that congress is going to leave that door even a fraction open in terms of the resolution they put forward. >> since john boehner is not whipping this, are you hearing from leader pelosi and are democrats going to go to the mat and give the president what he wants or do you think enough democrats would turn their back on the president and damage his credibility overseas? >> it's going to be a very close vote i think just as it was in the british parliament. probably we won't know the yeahs and the nays until they're called. there's a big block of republicans who won't support it. there will be a sizeable block of democrats who are war weary, as i am, but who don't believe in military action even in support of the humanitarian cause. so that leaves a pretty narrow window in the middle that the president is going to have to