exploded. these children and only about 20% of them have had any kind of psychotherapy, emotional help. that means 80% of these children are having to deal with their emotion os-what they witnessed on their own. not a tragedy just for now, and they're suffering now, but the head of hgr is raising the specter we may be looking at a lost generation because of what these children are enduring noop you talk about the conditions of the camp. what is it like there for children and adults? we know now your reporting and others are saying people are trying to leave the refugee camps. where are they trying to go? >> some of the refugees are leaving to go back into syria because some have said we'd rather deal with the shelling in syria ya than deal with the food insecurity, the water insecurity, the really tough, tough, some might even say brutal conditions. the zatari refugee camp is in a desert constantly hit by sandstorms. there's also the threat of insecurity because rebels are using it as a staging area.