students, and congress must devise a permanent solution to the crushing burden of student debt. i mean, when i heard this, as a full-time college professor for nearly 20 years, i was applauding right along with those enthusiastic students. then president obama made a sudden turn. >> we're going to start rating colleges, not just by which college is the most selective, not just by which college the the most expensive, not just by which college has the nicest facilities. you know, you can get all of that on the existing rating systems. what we want to do is rate them on who's offering the best value to students and taxpayers get a bigger bang for their buck. >> so in the subsequent week, the administration has outlined a race to the top program for colleges and universities. so when we come back, we're going to talk about whether or not it's a good idea to transform america's world-class system of higher education into a market place, judged on how quickly and cheaply it produces