do it in a way that's billed on the principles of personal responsibility and individual freedom and as i said, we call them these power accounts which operate just like health savings accounts. people are able to have that first dollar benefit and whatever they don't spend on an annual base fris their contribution they can roll over into that savings account for the next year. so there's a great incentive for people to engage in preventative medicine which is good for them and good for lowering health care costs. >> margaret? >> does this solve the problem that obama care tried to solve, which is, you need everybody in an insurance pool to spread the risk and that we had a lot of deadbeats in the country, people who can't afford insurance, but deadbeats waiting to have that first accident and go to the emergency room, they don't want to pay into insurance, so we don't spread the risk which is a basic principle of insurance. >> well, what this really does,