impromptu remarks the president gave, if i had to pick out sort of the most memorable moments of this first eight months or so, almost nine months of politics in america, that would be at or near the top of the list. spoke very openly about his own struggles as an african-american man in society, and did so in a way he had never really done, even up to and including the speech he gave during the 2008 campaign when he was trying to distance himself from reverend jeremiah wright. what i wonder is, will we see sort of another step in that progression as barack obama looks to make a piece of his legacy race relations in this country. does he give that sort of personal speech? is it more sort of lofty. look, this is someone we know, you agree or disagree with him, as someone who has a knack for giving big speeches. i do think it's interesting to look at this moment and where he goes as it relates to what he wants his legacy on this issue to look like.