europe, if we can bail out wall street, which we did, if we can rescue the auto industry, which was the right thing to do, then i think we've got to think about creative measures in which we can help urban centers across the country experiencing financial difficulty. >> do you worry about who will have sufficient power as this process rolls forward in bankruptcy court to look out for workers? we're now -- we've now -- we're now no longer in the world of democratic politics. we're in the world of the court of law and you have lawyers that are making a case about the illegally of this. are you worried that now that it's been taken out of the hands of any kind of semblance of self-government, it's been put into a bankruptcy court, that -- yes, please? >> i'm sorry. go ahead. i'm sorry. >> no, the most powerful people in that court are going to be the wall street lawyers. >> well, i mean, we've got to fight it, and we've got to make our voices heard in the city of