is not an issue that even needs to be on the policymaking table right now. >> why can't eric cantor just say, no it is not an issue that the president was born here. >> a lot of republicans have said that at various times. the question -- >> really? >> they kept facing it over and over and weren't trying to play a game. a significant part of the republican base buying into conspiracy theories and didn't want to denounce them toop heatedly. >> were? still are. >> not as many as previously. after the release of the long form birth certificate. by the way, the white house dragging it out, this issue made republicans look crazy. >> oh, that is -- i mean, maybe, maybe, or maybe they just didn't want to entertain completely -- >> madness. >> entertain madness. >> then they did release it at time it was going to produce the maximum political advantage for the president, during the whole uproar with donald trump and it led into the thing at the white house correspondent's dinner with the president making that hilarious line of jokes against donald trump. >> and i don't want you to