actually freedom works is going to design the obama care card ourselves, put that online, we're going to share it with people in the hopes they will burn it, tear it up mark on it, send it to the irs or congressman. >> you make your own card to burn. the argument freedom works is making, people should refuse to be part of obama care. don't take free government health insurance if it is offered to you. say no. and if you say no and you get sick or get hit by a bus or you light yourself on fire while burning your self-printed obama care draft card, well, that is on you. this is a weird thing that's happened to the campaign against obama care. it began as most campaigns do as a campaign for self-interest. obama care conservatives said it'll raise your taxes and possibly put you in front of a death panel. the fight to keep it from passing was a fight to keep bad things from happening to you. but it's become something weirder. a campaign of self-sacrifice.