knock on this is it's so far in the future, why are we talking about 2016. yes, she's ahead in the polls. she was ahead last time. i think there's something different going on right now. >> it is. i think we're losing something in politics because of it. the way you get an idea covered is to fight about it or to run for president and talk about it. i think that's why you saw howard dean, when he was at net roots nation, and i was at net roots nation, there was almost -- not quite unanimity of acceptance of hill ru but a place that was basically -- a movement, the online activists that was almost founded to oppose that kind of -- the pro-iraq war democrats, you know, pretty much acceptance. you saw howard dean not say no when he might run for president. he's not going to run for president but he realized the way to get any issue out of aperture of politics covered is to say you might. by not doing that -- if you had democrats criticizing obama, going to iowa, on anything, you would have a different debate, even if you have a democrat in the senate. i think the fact that ron wine