economy that could use this help. >> i think you should have separated the nation of reforming the tax structure from trying to get a temporary revenue boost. it really comes down to increasing taxes and increasing spending. we've had quite a bit of that already in his first term. >> he's offering a tax cut, not a tax increase. >> well, he's going to get more revenue. where i went to school, if you change the structure in such a way that you get more money in, that's a tax increase. maybe you studied some different math book than i did. >> you're wrong about that. you're flatly wrong on the facts there. he's lowering the tax rate from 35 to 28%, broadening the base. >> he's also taking away loopholes. >> correct. >> the net corporate payment is going to go up. >> revenue neutral, not revenue positive. >> if we can put the economics arguments aside, although those are the most important part, but the whole idea here is that the democrats would get something they want and the republicans would get something that they want. that's the nature of a compromise. we'll have to talk more about it on another day, peter and jared.