lack of training doesn't excuse inappropriate behavior. the lawyer even paraphrased bob dillon. you don't need a weather person to tell you which way the wind blows. filner's former head of communications director has filed a lawsuit against him. earlier this week the san diego council voted unanimously to sue filner for any damages it incurs from the lawsuit. that is not a lead story. >> it is not. kind of got into it. let's talk instead about the next guy to be the most powerful person in the world and that is, of course, the fed chair, whoever that's going to be. >> okay. president obama's not done trying to reboot his economic message. first he hit the road with a series of public events and then he went behind closed doors on capitol hill. the president held two private sessions to rally congressional democrats around his middle-class jobs plan. republicans were not on the schedule and the house speaker didn't miss an opportunity to take a dig at that. >> i'm not going to speak for what the president is doing or