girl was born, she would still succeed to the throne as the next in line. the prime minister said today that that's almost a done deal. so i think a lot of people were really excited about the prospect, particularly in a modern period, that a young woman would be able to succeed to the throne. now that's not going to happen because we understand the news is that it's a little boy. >> well, martin, of course this little boy won't reach the throne for many, many decades. his father still relatively young in the general scope of things. i want to talk about the excitement around just the royal family in general. it's really easy to sit back in america and go, why do they still care about the royal family? then you go over there and people are like, well, you got to understand the perspective, the place they have in our society. can you give us perspective on why this matters so much, especially to people in england? >> sure. there are two component parts. one is historical and the other is contemporary. historically, the royal family's