to make sure we educate people on what's going on but then turn that knowledge and understand what is going on with direction action. direct action in our cities and states as we take on policies and issues like stand your ground and other dangerous and destructive policies but focus on the federal government as well. we have to address what happened to trayvon martin and also what happened to voting writes with the shelby decision. we will use that to garner that power, match that power and actually focus that power and make positive changes n our society needs. >> i want to let everybody know, we are looking at live pictures of union square. 20 protest scheduleds to go on. that is new york city. i want to come back to you guys, rashad and michael, and it was so offensive at the idea that people would riot. i would submit that you don't have that violence now day says that you have social media. people can have a community with them even in their living room