more of a -- has done a better job of poking holes in the prosecution's argument if i'm being quite honest. >> lisa bloom, after the defense rests what are we going to see from the prosecution side? will there be some redirect? >> the prosecution has an opportunity to put on a rebuttal case. we don't get to know any of the witnesses in advance so we don't know what they're going to put on. the defense has a chance to put on a surrebuttal case as long as the witnesses are in the scope of the rebuttal case. after all of that shakes down i expect to hear the judge charge the jury with the law they have to follow in the case. then closing arguments, then deliberations. >> and craig melvin down there in florida, i know as the court is about to resume and they're coming into the courtroom today, there's a lot of anticipation as to the closing days really in this emotional case. >> a great deal of anticipation, andrea mitchell. dennis root, by the way, when he takes the stand, he's going to be the witness that takes the stand here in just a moment on redirect. we've been keeping a close eye