company's actions violated labor law. but that decision was issued by a board with recess appointees. and the d.c. court has cast all of those decisions, all of them issued by the board that featured those recess appointees who were only appointed because republicans refused to confirm anyone else. the d.c. court has cast all of those into legal limbo, meaning kathleen and millions of other workers are out of luck. joining me now is congresswoman linda sanchez, democrat from california. and larry cohen, president of communications workers of america. congresswoman, i'll begin with you. why did you send this letter today in why did you hold this press conference? what is different now? is this a breaking point? >> we've just seen an incredible lack of cooperation between the republicans and the white house. and this is just the prime example of how they are hurting american workers and american families by obstructing the normal business of our government. and i think this can't be