wee weeks, what will happen? >> you know, once again, i think we've got to be focused on jobs and the economy. when we go back next week we have got to take immediate action to be sure that the students' debt doesn't double. right now, people are telling me we need to work on that and have a focus. when i think about a bunch of men sitting in raleigh debating how wide a hallway should be in a women's health care clinic i think that is totally absurd. >> joy reid, harry reid has said that he would not bring up such a bill, if it looks like it wouldn't have any real chance of getting through the senate. >> yeah, it clearly wouldn't, these are the type of bills that take place in the house. if marco rubio were to introduce it, i think ted cruz would introduce a bill trying to one-up him. this is really about getting right with the base of the