bullet fragments with this case? >> yes, i did. >> may i approach? >> yes. >> let me show you state's 165. ask you, do you recognize that? >> yes. >> and how do you recognize 165? >> again, by the fdle case number, exhibit number and my initials. >> and what is that? what is contained in that exhibit? >> there is one fired jacket portion, two fired bullet jackets -- fragments and one lead core. >> and when you received parts of a bullet or fragments of a bullet in a firearm, are you able to compare those to determine whether or not those fragments were fired from a particular firearm? >> yes. >> explain to the jury how you do that. >> similar to the cartridge cases, i'll use the bullets i test fired from the submitted firearm and compare those microscopically to the submitted evidence bullet or bullet fragments. >> did you do that with a fragments in this case and the