so much of their power has been taken away from them. their ability to do things. so for them to pray and to see god answer something is very, very special. it's empowering. >> when we really do have the tools in here to have a decent life. there's a lot of things you can do to make your time fulfilling. >> at age 19, travis wolfkill was convicted of stabbing and beating his grandmother to death over a $300 tax refund check. he's currently on appeal but his sentence is life without parole. >> you don't really wrap your mind around it. because i'm not doing time. i'm just living life. it's a life different from out there. we have a lot of the same things in here that you do have out there. it's a little world in here. >> wolfkill devotes much of his time to his religion, satanism. >> i'm in a satanic group here. only about four of us here.