occasional nausea when thinking about the violence last night but denies abdominal pain. >> he was telling me when he was reflecting on what happened that night that he was having some nauseous feelings and i would then further ask, are you having abdominal pain to clarify whether the nausea was coming gr abdominal pain symptom or a psychological factor. >> what was your determination? >> that was more from a psychological factor. >> you notate complaint left si joint tenderness since the event. go ahead and tell house that means. >> the si joint is the sacroiliac joint and he has mentioned that he was having some tenderness on left side since the altercation that night. >> and you also notated he denies numbness or tingling or incontinence. >> these are follow-up questions i would ask on anyone who complains of back pain to make sure there was nothing more severe going on. was he having any numbness or