greater houston area college district. also the justice department was able to block texas republicans' voter i.d. plan. rick perry signed this law when he was trying to make a splash running for president. the justice department said the texas voter i.d. law would be a disaster in terms of racial discrimination in texas elections. since hispanic registered voters are more than twice as likely as non-hispanic registered voters to lack the i.d. that would be required to vote in texas under the new law. so texas plans like that. new laws to block hispanics from voting at more than double the rate of non-hispanics or killing 80% of the polling places and setting up new ones where white people get ten times the service as non white people. plans like these from the last few years in texas, they were blocked from ever coming into effect. even though texas wanted to do them, they were blocked from coming into effect because the justice department could block them. because of the voting rights act. as of today, that's over.