mr. keaton is from florida. he was convicted in 1971 of murdering an off-duty sheriff and he was sentenced to death. but he was not executed. he was actually released two years later when the real murderer got convicted. david keaton did not do it. after the exoneration of david keaton, the next two death row exonerations in america were also from florida. wilbert lee and freddy pitts on death row for 12 years but released and pardoned after somebody else confessed. florida leads the nation in exonerating death row prisoners. going back and saying we know we've been planning to kill you, but now we believe you are innocent. good thing we didn't go too fast. florida is number one in that in the nation. it's not just the total number of exonerations that makes florida so impressive. for every three prisoners florida has killed, florida has said to another prisoner, actually, we messed up in your case. 3-1. for every three they have killed, they have said to one, we messed up in your case, you are free to go, good thing we didn't go too fast.