so this crazy idea of his, you know, brought to us by people who believe president obama decides where tornadoes go, that crazy idea of james inhofe is not going anywhere in the united states senate and that's true. you know what? it passed anyway. it didn't go anywhere in the senate, but republicans control the house. and in the republican-controlled house, they passed this thing. by lots. look. by a big margin. 234-192. a party line vote. they passed their version, the house version of the jim inhofe stop law enforcement from buying bullets conspiracy theory bill. they passed it as an amendment to the funding for homeland security. so when we lament that six months after newtown, congress cannot get anything done about guns or ammunition, or our country's massive and worsening problem with mass shootings, it is wrong to lament that because the republican-controlled house of representatives can get something done on this issue. they can feed the apocalyptic paranoid from my cold dead hands war against the government conspiratorial gun nut base that

Related Keywords

Us ,People ,Idea ,United States Senate ,Senator Inhofe ,Republicans ,Tornadoes ,Anywhere ,President Obama ,It Didnt Go Anywhere ,Thing ,House Of Representatives ,White House ,Lots ,Version ,Party Line Vote ,Big Margin ,192 ,234 ,Congress ,Ammunition ,Guns ,Funding ,Law Enforcement ,Newtown ,Conspiracy Theory Bill ,Anything ,Buying Bullets ,Amendment ,Department Of Homeland Security ,Six ,Something ,Country ,Government ,War ,Problem ,Issue ,Shootings ,Hands ,Base ,Conspiratorial Gun Nut ,

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