about a lot of these issues we have been talking about. on this issue, we talk about entitlements and how much entitlements are blowing a hole in the deficit. a big problem is because our birth rate has decreased and you wind up seeing there are fewer people able to support a retiring segment of folks who are getting entitlement benefits. so because of that in a very clumsy, awkward way, he was trying to explain that you have hispanic immigrants, hard core procatholic, very catholic, having a lot of kids, more kids than the birth rate of the rest of the country, kind of like the way italian and irish immigrants did years ago. in generations later, a fewer number of children as they assimilate more into the american culture. a real clunky way to get to it and distracted from his larger point where he was trying to push to comprehensive immigration reform, trying to talk about family in front of a faith and freedom coalition