was hoping that i could help her through it. >> and this is me with my uncle tommy when i was very little. makes me miss him. he was my favorite uncle. i always wish that i could have a normal life. >> during the 13 years wrinkles was on death row, lindsay had very little contact with him. >> some of the letters that he would write were not nice. this is a letter that my dad had wrote me. "lindsay, for the life of me, i can't fathom why you are now so damn hateful and disrespectful to me. did i, a, beat you, b, molest you, or c, pimp you out? if not, how was i so mean to you? think about it. eric." >> i kind of felt bad for lindsay when i read it, because that was someone that she loves, that was her dad, and i know she, even though she distanced