now the government first reaction to that disscloes yur was yes, to try to suppress every aspect of it, from forcing newspapers to censor the stories, to chrjing this man, daniel elseberg under the espionage act. the nixon administration failed. the supreme court ruled that the newspapers had the right to publish top-secret reports and the case against elseberg fell apart. what would dan elseberg think of this trial of bradley manning? he told us on the show on monday. >> he realized what he ought to do at 22, which took me, i was 40 when i did it. there are of course differences. the material i put out was top secret, rather than the secret and unclassified that he put out. >> as for those secret documents, manning has pled guilty to leaking, charges that carry 20 years in jail. but he's facing a much more aggressive prosecution than elseberg. prosecutors say manning should not be treated as a leaker.