>> emily, yesterday, we had something, a rising share of women as breadwinners, putting career first. do you see this as a countermovement to this? are they going on at the same time, both in some people's lives at the same time? same ti? >> yeah, definitely. you know, there are an increasing number of female breadwinners, and there's a slow but increasing growth of men who are staying home and caring for their children. so i think we're very slowly redefining these things. people talk a lot about the growth of the new stay-at-home dad. you know, there are stay-at-home dads but only 3% of all stay-at-home parents, just like women are only 4% of all fortune 500 ceos. so we're seeing some shifts. they're just happening really slowly. i want to make sure as we embrace this domestic movement it doesn't feel gendered, it doesn't feel like women returning to the home. i would like to see men equally interested in this stuff. >> yeah, emily, when i was reading your book, you definitely convinced me this is