as for a video, i cannot comment on a video that i have never seen or does not exist. >> over the weekend, ford repeated that claim while taking a question from a caller on a radio show he co-hosts with his brother doug, also a toronto lawmaker. >> mayor ford, is that you in the gawker video? and is that you photographed with your arm around drug dealer anthony smith? >> there's -- number one, there's no video, so that's all i can say. you can't comment on something that doesn't exist. >> yet as the "toronto star" newspaper reports today, ford told senior aides not to worry about a video showing him smoking crack cocaine because he knew where it was. in fact according to sources, ford was very specific about the location of the video, offering details, none of which he cared to elaborate on at today's news conference. one photographer catching a glimpse of the mayor's prepared remarks, a star reporter noting ford scratched out the following