eye, you know, and just to open up and document what i see. >> there was really no internet going on. the people weren't really using video. nothing like we have today where you could actually be streaming footage directly online. >> the conference begins on tuesday november 30th. >> who's in charge of seattle today? >> we are. >> by 5:00 a.m. protesters surround the conference center and blockade hotel entrances. police, mobilized in full riot gear, take up positions around the demonstrators. >> right now we're blockading the entrance where most of the delegates are trying to get in. so we're literally trying to shut down the meeting. >> there was a little bit of a party-like atmosphere at that point. but you could see that the police were very, very nervous. >> who are you protecting? >> back off. >> they only had 400 officers on the streets initially, and there were i think at one point as many as 40,000 people downtown. maybe more.